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​​Meet the Person behind the Lens.

Theresa Clark is a newborn photographer and is also the owner of Little Blessings Photography.

I've always loved photography it has ALWAYS been a part of me. but it wasn't until about 2012 when I thought I could actually make it into a business. As a single mom of 5 children (yes 5!) I had been working at Kmart as a manager but having a very hard time finding childcare for my children. (who wants to watch 5 kids on a daily basis right? family or not it's not an easy job) So I began to think about what I could do on my own schedule so I wouldn't have to worry about someone else taking care of my kids.

I asked myself what is something I really love?
My answer was photography and babies, but can I really do something with that?
Could I be a newborn photographer? Sure I had entertained the thought before, I've always been a huge fan of Anne Geddes since I was a child, but I had no experience except for taking my own kids' pictures and all I had was this dinky little point and shoot camera.
After weeks of sleeping on it and not thinking of anything else,
I decided, Why can't I do it?

I'm not one to let anything hold me back, it felt so right and would be a dream job for me. So I took a leap of faith and decided to go in full force. I picked out my very first DSLR camera and started to pay it off, and voila.. Little Blessings Photography was born, in addition to starting my own photography business, I decided to take a few classes so I could learn what I needed to know and offer the very best to my clients so I also enrolled in The New York Institute of Photography.

Talk about a life changer not only within a few weeks time did I start my own business but I also became a student!  I have nothing but love for what I do and I pray every day that my business will continue to grow..
I have come a VERY LONG WAY in the last 8 years to say the least!
I have since won numerous awards and have accomplished a dream that I never imagined would turn into what it has, and the skills and techniques I have acquired throughout the years even shock me at times! However, there is NEVER a day that will come when I can say "I Know everything I need to know" because in this career trends, styles and techniques are constantly changing.
What's Next? Well, I've come this far........Now? I want to be World Renowned! 
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